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About Us
The First Baptist Church of Christ at Macon nurtures authentic faith and belonging, loves and serves courageously, and affirms the image of God in all people.
Recent Posts
Adult Wednesday Night Conversations In February
Women’s Retreat
$100 Deposit Due on Monday, March 10 to secure your spot by using the giving portal or dropping a check in the offering plate or to the office. Deposits are non-refundable.
Facilities Master Plan Committee Seeking Potential Partners for Washington Avenue Building
Our Facilities Master Plan Committee has been working hard to prepare promotional materials to invite potential partners to consider possibilities for how they might lease or develop our unused space in the Washington Avenue Building.
FBCX Chancel Choir Members Perform at Carnegie Hall
Members of our Chancel Choir will join our Minister of Music, Stanley Roberts, and students in the Townsend School of Music at Mercer University to perform at the acclaimed Carnegie Hall in New York City on Monday, February 17.
In This Moment, With These People
Last month, we began our Committee meeting by recognizing what our congregation accomplished on the facilities master planning front in 2024.
Wednesday Night Adult Conversations in February
Our Baptist Identity
12th Annual Greater Macon Sleepout
Depaul USA Daybreak adn Sheridan Center February 27, 2025 5:30 p.m.-9:00 a.m.
Around the Table Gatherings
Around The Table Gathering
Creating Community through Conversations
Baptist Heritage Sunday – February 2, 2025
On Sunday, February 2, our church will celebrate Baptist Heritage Sunday.
Women’s Book Club
Sunday November 15 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Rugh Rowell. We will discuss the book Misfits: the Church's Hidden Strength by Brena Wendland.
If you would be willing to host a small group in your home for a meal on this evening, please contact Dee Bratcher at bratcher_md@mercer.edu.
Fall Festival and Cake Walk
October 27
Fall Festival and Cake Walk