Written by Julie Long, Interim Director of Staff and Congregational Life 

In recent weeks (months! years!), we have talked a lot about our congregation’s financial challenges. Today, I share GOOD news!  With strong giving in October and November (about $53,000 and $60,000 respectively), we have brought our budget deficit down from over $60,000 to below $30,000.  I am hopeful that your continued generosity through the month of December can help us end the year in the black for the first time in several years.

Currently, 135 giving units support our church financially. A “giving unit” could be an individual, a couple, a large family – however your household gives.  If each giving unit averages an extra contribution of $217, we will close the gap.  Many of us can offer an extra $217. Some of us can do more to support those who cannot. Together, we can do this!

The finance committee and other church leaders continue to be thoughtful about and take action towards leading our congregation to be faithful stewards of the resources with which we have been entrusted. Today, (Sunday, December 10), members of the finance committee and other key leaders will meet with Rickey Letson, Congregational Stewardship Officer for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Rickey and his team have prepared recommendations for our congregation after completing a comprehensive financial assessment. In the new year, our financial secretary Camille Kittrell will help us embark on a detailed giving assessment that will track trends and patterns in our giving over the last several years to see what we can learn. Our staff is intentionally looking for ways to trim costs without negatively impacting the ministries we offer, and our facilities master plan task force is assessing our utility usage. We are working hard to make sure that the money you give is used responsibly and effectively to do good in our church and community.

Often during pastoral interim periods, members of congregations will pull back in their attendance and giving, waiting to see what will happen next. Since August, I have seen members of this congregation step forward to assume leadership roles and volunteer opportunities to help carry the load. Now, it is obvious that many of you have stepped up financially as well. This is what gives me the most hope for this church’s future – that when challenges arise, we show up for each other.  While some days in this work I feel overwhelmed, most days I feel overwhelmingly grateful, grateful, grateful for these people who gather at the Top of Poplar.

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