Around the Table.png

Our faith teaches us that miraculous and mysterious things are known to happen around a table, especially when it’s filled with food and drink. Tables have a way of breaking down walls and forcing us to see face to face, if not always eye to eye. Tables draw us in, creating holy space between us, or perhaps reminding us the space between us is always holy, and not nearly as vast as we believe. The gospels tell us it was around a table filled with food that Jesus spent much of his ministry, reminding people not simply of God’s nearness but their neighbor’s. It was around a table that Jesus spent the last night he had with his friends, telling them to remember him whenever they shared a meal together. And of all the biblical images available to him to describe life in the world to come, a table filled with rich food and drink where all the people of the earth would gather and celebrate together, well, that was Jesus’s favorite.

Mindful of all these things, this Lent our congregation is going to gather around a table together and watch what the presence of Christ there with us will reveal. Or rather, we’re going gather around many different tables—perhaps even your table!

Introducing “Around the Table,” a congregational “supper club” of sorts.

Over three Saturday evenings this spring, members of our congregation will host a potluck dinner party for 3-4 other families and individuals from within the church (8-12 people total).

  • The pairings will be assigned, with an eye toward bringing people together from across the many different groups and ministries within the church. We’ll gather in each other’s homes, eat each other’s food, learn more about what has brought each of us to this place, and hopefully learn more about what binds us together as a people.

  • Accommodations will be made for folks with dietary restrictions and who need transportation.

  • Childcare will also be available at the church. We want to remove as many barriers as possible, so please reach out to Scott or Kelsey with any concerns.

  • You are also free to sign up for as many evenings as you like!

Dates: March 9, 23, and April 6

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Childcare will be offered at the church 5:30-8:30pm



Dates you would like to attend (Sign up for as many as you like!)

Do you need a ride?

Would you like to host? If so, which dates?

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