Stewardship Season at FBCX

Stewardship Season at FBCX

Each October, our church enters into intentional conversations about stewardship as we work to prepare the operating budget and nominating committee recommendations for church leadership. In this season, we remind one another of the impact of this congregation on the...
Summer Bible Study

Summer Bible Study

Join us this summer for a laid-back Bible study at The Society Garden at Ingleside Village. We’ll grab a table and have good conversation. Bring food with you, or order there if you’d like.

Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 21

We will recognize our graduates in the worship and celebrate them with a lunch reception in the Fellowship hall following the service. Save the date to celebrate with our graduates. We recognize all our graduates; High school, post-secondary, post-graduate education,...
VBS Registration Now Open!

VBS Registration Now Open!

At Food Truck Party VBS, your “chefs” will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they get on a roll with God! They will discover how we can turn to God in prayer every day to meet our needs and how we can join God in providing for the...
Men’s Retreat, May 5-7

Men’s Retreat, May 5-7

Register below for this Year’s Men’s Retreat, May 5-7 at Fort Mountain State Park in Chatsworth, GA. We will be staying in the park’s cabins. All comfort levels in the outdoors are welcomed and valued! Cost is $100 and can be paid following the link...

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