written by David McCollum, Church Treasurer
Financial support for the ministries and programs of FBCX through the first quarter of 2024 was virtually breakeven with the costs of those activities. Total gifts through three months totaled $142,561.89 while expenditures were $142,855.74, a shortfall of just $293.85. The strong performance in our permanently endowed funds pushed total financial assets to grow $63,974.08 during the quarter to a total of $1,751,573.23. The church’s financial position is stable and congregational giving has been adequate to support all activities during the quarter.
However, the growth in financial assets and the breakeven Statement of Revenue and Expense performance partially mask areas that we will need to monitor closely in the coming months. Both contributions and expenses during the first three months of 2024 were below the levels anticipated in the annual budget. A $12,239.00 distribution from the Lucy B. Allen Trust, combined with dedicated efforts to contain costs by our staff and program leaders, kept us in balance.
To fund fully the ministries and programs of our church, per the budget, monthly giving needs to be about $51,000. This far in 2024, monthly contributions from all sources have averaged $47,500. The leaders of our church will continue to be wise stewards of the gifts provided, but reduced gifts will limit activities that can be funded. Keep in mind that routine costs such as utilities and staff salaries, plus maintenance of our beloved, but aging, buildings must come first. Ministries and programs suffer directly with giving shortfalls.
We all love and support the mission, ministries, programs, and staff of our church. Please, let us all carefully examine our individual financial support of FBCX thus far in 2024, and ensure that we are putting our money where our hearts are.