To all the many people who had a hand in bringing together the celebration of my 10th anniversary, please know how grateful I am. It was, in a word, overwhelming.
Anita Gusfason and the personnel committee, Jackie Riley and all those in the kitchen. DeWayne Moore for the beautiful decorations. And those who completely blindsided me with their moving words: Doug Thompson, Harold Tessendorf, Doug Barnes, Jonathan Simpson, and Kelly Whidden. Those were moments I will never forget, and will surely draw upon for years to come.
But perhaps most of all, I want to thank all of you, the people of this church. Pastoral anniversaries are really celebrations for the whole church, because longevity in ministry is always more a product of the congregations we serve than any special gifts or abilities we possess.
First Baptist has been a special place for generations of pastors, and I am grateful, even now, to have been invited to be a part of it. Every kind word that was said about me Sunday could truly be said about our church as a whole, because when I look back on these past 10 years it is the ways we have taken seriously our collective life and witness that I am most in awe of.
We have felt this as a family. You drove four hours each way to attend my father’s memorial service. You have welcomed three new Dickisons into the world. You were there when we called at 2am to head to the hospital for a birth. You’ve advised us on whether an ER visit is warranted (it’s happened a lot!). You’ve been close when we needed support, and gave us space to simply be a family, without expectation or judgment. It has all been a gift.
I also want to thank our current staff, and all those I have had the pleasure to serve on staff with over the past 10 years. Ministry aside, this is a special place to work, with wonderful coworkers and a culture of trust, appreciation, and support that is unique, and not just for churches.
So, thank you, First Baptist. For all the ways you have nurtured me, encouraged me to grow, endured my mistakes, cared for my family, and simply been church for me, which is a rare thing for pastors.
I am a better pastor, father, husband, and person because of you. I’m grateful for this opportunity to look back on ten years together, and look ahead for more years to come.