Join us each Wednesday beginning August 30 for our Wednesday night
programs for children, youth, and adults! Our schedule will be
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner for all ages in the fellowship hall. Dexter Jones
will be cooking supper each week. Please make a reservation by Sunday
afternoon. Cost is $8/adult and $4/child.We will start fresh with our
reservation list. Please sign up even if you were signed up in the
6:00-6:45 pm Children’s Choirs, Youth Activities, Adult Prayer Time and Study
6:30-8:00 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal
6:45-7:30 pm Children’s Missions
Beginning Wednesday, August 30, we invite adults to join us for
“Wednesday Conversations: Bread for the Journey,” a relaunch of our
Wednesday night programming for adults. On August 30th, we will
discuss the plans for this school year and get input from all that
attend. If you are not in service on Wednesday nights, please join us!