At FBCX we are committed to missions, as we answer the call:
To bear witness to God’s grace and the story of Jesus’ radical love in Jerusalem (Macon/our community), in all Judea and Samaria (Georgia/surrounding areas), and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) To offer ways for our congregation to join the work God is doing in the world.
To follow Jesus’ commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and to love our neighbors. The First Baptist Church of Christ strives to answer the call to be good neighbors by participating in and supporting the good work that is being done in Macon; and by paying attention to the needs of those around us, offering benevolence through relationships in the name of Christ. (Matthew 22:37-39)
FBCX’s commitment to missions runs deep.
From its founding in 1826, FBCX has continually sought to embody the Gospel both in our area and around the world. From starting many Baptist churches in the Macon area to establishing the first Southern Baptist hospital in China in 1903, FBCX’s mission has engaged in the work God is doing near and far.
To this day, missions and service are vital in the life of FBCX. There are many ministries through which our members, friends, and partners in the community share the love of Christ.
Learn More
If you would like to know more about our ministries or ways to get involved, contact the church office.
Some of the many ways FBCX serves include:
Backpack Ministry
FBCX partners with Forest Hills United Methodist and their Backpack Ministry to provide food-insecure children access to healthy food options over the weekends and holidays when school is not in session. FBCX packs and delivers food to Matilda Hartley and Veterans Elementary schools.
Crisis Closet
FBCX distributes food to the underserved of Middle Georgia once a month.
Circle of Hope
FBCX women helping women in need on issues of nutrition, job skills, computer skills, and earning money. COH also works to develop computer proficiency and operates the FBCX Christmas Store, where toys and gifts are sold at a discount rate to those in need.
Daybreak is a day center that offers a place where men and women experiencing homelessness can escape the streets to a place that offers a warm welcome and the services they need to move toward lives of stability and dignity. Services offered include hygiene, education, employment, and healthcare.
Language Ministry
A ministry designed to facilitate those in our church and community desiring to learn English, Spanish, and Japanese. Contact the church office for class times.
Global Women
An organization of women who meet with an emphasis on advocacy for women’s issues and projects to help women around the world and locally.
Macon Area Habitat For Humanity
Integral to Macon Area Habitat for Humanity’s work, FBCX members regularly work and contribute to this great ministry. Through direct service, work, or in-kind gifts from our members, FBCX has been a part of every Habitat house built by Macon Area H4H.
Volunteers in Schools
Working alongside our sister congregation, First Baptist Church, we partner with Ingram Pye Elementary school to support, volunteer, and collect donations throughout the year.
Youth Missions
Missions is an integral part of our Youth Ministry. Throughout the year, our students work with ministries within the church and our community including Crisis Closet, Daybreak, serving lunches downtown, and various places around Macon. We participate in March Mission Madness each year, a mission weekend with Georgia churches. In the summer both Middle and High School groups have mission experiences that deepen engagement with the work God is already doing in the world.
Past Missions
In the past we’ve served in Americus, GA (at historic Koinonia Farms), Arlington, TX (at Mission Arlington), Atlanta (at the Andrew P. Stewart Center), Charleston, SC (at Metanoia Ministries), Jackson, MS (Northminster Baptist Church and Habitat for Humanity in Jackson), Macon, GA (Habitat for Humanity) Miami, FL (Touching Miami With Love) Pearlington, MS (for Hurricane Katrina recovery), Washington D.C. (Advocacy Tour of Washington), and New York City, NY (Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries).
Kids on Mission
Missions is a central part of our Baptist history and heritage. Our missions education groups for children introduce them to the work of our church’s missions partners around the world as well as teaching them to respect and appreciate different cultures. Children also participate in hands-on mission projects to benefit our local and global missions partners.