Deacon ordination.jpg

Each fall, the First Baptist Church of Christ congregation has the opportunity and privilege of helping select those who will serve as deacons in our community of faith. In accordance with the church Organizational Manual, you will find below a listing of every resident member of our church who is twenty-one years of age and older and who became a church member on or before July 1, 2018. In making your selections, please note that those who will be chosen will serve for a period of three calendar years beginning January 1, 2020. Please note that the enclosed ballot displays a separate listing (at the end of the long alphabetized list) of those who are currently serving as deacons in our church family. The Deacon Qualification Committee will review those persons whom the congregation names in order of those receiving the most nominations on this ballot. You may select as many names as you wish.


Please return this page, marked with your choices, to the church office by September 23. You may also mail it in or place it in the offering plate. Please give thought and prayer to this significant aspect of the ministry of First Baptist Church of Christ.

Here is a list of Currently Serving Deacons:

Deann Duke

Harriet Eason

Ross Hardy

Shannon Hart

Oscar Hugley

David Johansen

Connie Jones

Shereé Keith

Suzy McCullough

Don McGouirk

Sonya Milam

Barbara Newton

Greta O’Dell

Ruth Rowell

Ben Sapp

Jonathon Simpson

Charlie Thomas

Doug Thompson

Kerri Thompson

Beth Walker

Tricia Whitby

Amy Wiles


Mary Jane Johnson

– Chair


Check All That Apply

If you believe the name of a qualified deacon nominee has been omitted from this list, please write those names here.

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