Donkey Fetchers

Written by Julie Long, Interim Director of Staff and Congregational Life In an article published in the Christian Century entitled “Donkey Fetchers,” Tom Long offers readers a new take on the Palm Sunday story.  In Mark 11, just as Jesus was about to descend the Mount...

This is OUR Church

Written by Julie Long, Interim Director of Staff and Congregational Life Each of us brings our own individual stories of why FBCX is “my” church. Our stories are as unique as we are and come out of different seasons in our church’s life over the span of several...

Easter Lilies

  As with so many things right now, we are unable to acquire our usual number of lilies for Easter this year. The price has gone up and they will be $14.00. Please sign up and follow this link to pay for the lilies or let the church office know that you would to...

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