In her sermon last week, Ellen Sechrest of CBF Global Missions spoke to us about the importance of inviting people to the table. Sharing beautiful stories from her childhood and experiences serving on church staffs through the years, she reminded us that this act of generous welcome is a crucial part of how many of us experience our “Baptist heritage.”
And it’s true: tables are powerful things.
They bring us together and force us to see each other face to face. They create a space in which difference can be dissolved and where understanding can be won.
There is a reason so much of the gospels involve them and why it was the first place Christ returned to after he was raised.
Which is why I’m thrilled that we will once again gather around tables in each other’s homes this Lent as part of our Around the Table series.
On three different Saturday evenings in Lent (Feb 25, March 11, March 25), members of the congregation will open their homes to host groups from within the church for supper. We make an effort to mix up the guest lists to have a diverse group at every table. The meal is potluck, with the host providing the main and the guests bringing a side (which is usually coordinated ahead of time the week of).
Child care is provided at the church for those who wish to use it, though children are welcome to join in the suppers. We also help coordinate transportation and account for food allergies and other dietary restrictions.
In short, we want to do everything we can to make these tables a space of welcome for all who would gather around them, trusting that the Holy Spirit will meet us all there.
There is more information in the bulletin and weekly newsletters, or you can call the church office and we can help you register. You are free to sign up to attend as many as you’d like, and we hope you’ll consider hosting.
Scripture tells us that good things happen around tables. Miracles, even. What will we find this season? Whom?