On Sunday, January 21, our church will celebrate Baptist Heritage Sunday. This annual observance organized by the Baptist Identity Committee allows us to think about the history of our church and to reflect on what it means to be a Baptist church like ours in the world today. This year our guest preacher and teacher will be Dr. John D. Pierce. Known to many as Johnny Pierce, he recently retired from a lengthy career as Baptist journalist and commentator. For many years, he edited Baptists Today (now Nurturing Faith Journal) and was the founding publisher of Nurturing Faith Books (now Good Faith Media). Currently, Johnny directs the Jesus Worldview Initiative through Belmont University’s Rev. Charlie Curb Center for Faith Leadership.
Our own Dr. Buddy Shurden notes “For almost two and a half decades, Johnny Pierce wrote clearly in plain English language about Baptist nouns: Baptist people, Baptist places, and Baptist things. Shurden calls Pierce “a denominational sleuth” and says, “He knew as much about our goings-on as anyone.”
We will begin our Baptist Heritage Sunday with a joint Adult Sunday School class in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m. Dr. Pierce will lead us in a discussion of the topic: “Being Baptist: Does it Matter?” He will lead our worship service as a guest preacher. Please join us for this important opportunity to remember and reflect on our identity as a congregation and as a denomination.