UPDATED March 12, 2022

This Sunday will mark two years of pandemic disruption in our church rhythms. And so it is with perhaps special gratitude that the Pandemic Task Force has recommended to the Church Council that we adopt a mask-optional policy on the church campus. This will also include children and youth.

This comes in light of the most recent guidance from the CDC, which announced new risk categories for communities. Those in communities classified as “medium” or “low” risk should feel free not to wear masks inside.

As of this past Thursday, our community is currently classified as “low.” To quote one of the professionals on our task force, “There is very little Covid in Macon right now.”

For this we give thanks.

We understand there are those within the congregation who will need or want to continue to wear masks, and we will continue to keep masks around the church for those who may want to use them. Sunday school classes may also choose to make their own expectations for mask wearing when meeting together. We have no doubt that our congregation will continue to embody grace, compassion, and welcome in these things as we have throughout the past two years,

But we feel confident that now is the time to make masks optional around our campus as a whole, beginning this coming Sunday.

Thank you, once again, for your patience, cooperation, and imagination as we have navigated these past two years together. Of course, the road ahead with respect to the virus is far from predictable, but we are grateful for this important step forward.

Pandemic Task Force

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