This Sunday, October 13, our congregation celebrates with two of our young people, Stella Johansen and Harper Brown, as they follow Jesus calling them into the waters of baptism. Each time that I witness a baptism, I am reminded of my own. I was eight years old when I decided I wanted to make my profession of faith public. My mother suggested that I go talk to the pastor before walking the aisle of my home church, to which I replied, “I don’t need to talk to the preacher. I know what I am doing!” Of course, I did not really know what I was getting myself into or the kind of life that following Jesus would ask of me. But I look back at that moment as a significant pin in the map on my faith journey from which I would continue to learn and grow.
That will be the case for Stella and Harper, too, as it is for any of us, no matter our age. The mysteries of faith will continue to unfold for each of them, but for now, they know enough to know that this is the next right step for them, and they are making a pledge to continue growing in God. We, too, make a pledge as their faith community to nurture them as they do.
One way we do that is through our support of the youth and children’s ministries of our church. These special moments like baptism happen because of our investment in all of the ordinary moments – weekly Sunday school, missions, music and Bible study; fun community-building events; camps and retreats. Those who volunteer with children and youth plant the seeds for these big faith moments in each little conversation and lesson and relationship.
It takes a village to nurture the faith of our children and youth, and there’s room for and a need for more adults who can invest in our kids by volunteering regularly or occasionally. You don’t have to have all the answers or be a pro at working with kids – we’ll teach you what you need to know. What we need is adults who will take an interest in them and will model for them what it looks like to keep growing in faith, no matter our age.
As a part of our baptism ritual, we ask those in the congregation who have played a role in nurturing the person’s faith to stand. What could be more rewarding or exciting than standing in honor of a young disciple at their baptism, knowing that your investment of time and relationship mattered? Or to beam with pride when they stand in front of the church on Graduate Sunday? Or to lay hands on them as a young adult being ordained as a deacon? If you’re interested in learning more about how to support these sacred and vital ministries, I’d love to talk to you more about the possibilities.