We will begin our regular programming on September 7 with a series coordinated with the coming Sunday sermons based on a wonderful and challenging book by Sam Wells, A Future That’s Bigger Than Our Past: Toward the Renewal of the Church.

Wells is the vicar of St. Martin in the Fields Anglican Church in Trafalgar Square in the heart of London. St. Martin’s has a long history of serving the most vulnerable in their community but in recent years has expanded their outreach and involvement through social entrepreneurship efforts. Wells believes that, despite the challenges, this is an “exciting time” to be the church.

As we continue to emerge from the pandemic into this new world before us, we’ll use this book as a way to consider what it will take, and what it would mean, for our church’s future to be “bigger than our past.”

Books are available on Amazon, or Bookshop.org, where you can support independent bookstores!

9/7: A Future Bigger That’s Bigger Than Our Past: A Vision for Church Renewal

9/14:  For Such a Time as This: The Church’s Opportunity

9/21:Investing in the Kingdom: The Divine Economy

In lieu of our planned Wednesday discussion on their new book, Kathy Manis Findley, Kay Shurden, and the other contributors, will lead a combined Sunday school class on September 18. More details are below.

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