What to Expect: Your First Visit
We’re excited to have you as our guest!
Visiting a church for the first time can be nerve-wracking. You may have a few questions…
What time is worship on Sunday morning?
Worship starts at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, which is the beautiful old building with the spire facing Poplar Street. There are a number of entrances:
- The main doors up the steps in the front
- The side door on Washington Avenue
- The office entrance off the parking lot on High Street, next to St. Joseph’s Elementary School
What is worship like?
We like to think of our worship style as “warmly liturgical” with an ecumenical spirit. We follow the Christian Year and celebrate the seasons of the church. The sanctuary choir leads us in music and we sing hymns (from a hymnal!) with a variety of instruments, including the pipe organ, piano and strings. Prayers are lifted, an offering is received, the Doxology is sung, a sermon is given and the Lord’s Supper is celebrated once a month.
What should I wear?
Whatever feels like “church” to you! You’ll see all sorts of attire at FBCX. Some dress up, others dress down. Whatever helps create a spirit of worship in you is fine by us.
Where can I park?
Parking is always a challenge for a growing church in a downtown location, but there are several options. We have guest spots in the main lot on High Street, and there are also usually spots available in the lot next to the apartments across Washington Avenue from the church, and in the gravel lot behind St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Street parking is also usually available on High Street. Hope that helps!
Is there something for my children?
Absolutely! Children are not just welcome but included in worship. Near the beginning of the service they are invited to come down for a special time with our children’s minister or pastor. At the start of the following hymn elementary-aged children can rejoin you in the pews while preschoolers can go with the rest of the children and volunteers to our preschool worship experience, “Working On Worship” (W.O.W).
You can learn more about our vibrant children’s ministry here.
What if I have small children?
First of all, bless you for bringing them to church! If you have very young children (infants-age 2) we invite you to let them be cared for in our nursery, which can be accessed through the two sets of double doors off the main parking lot next to St. Joseph’s School. You will be greeted there by one of our friendly nursery greeters who will give you a brief tour of the space and introduce you to our qualified nursery workers. You can rest assured they will be cared for and loved in a safe environment during their time with us, and you will be asked to leave your cell phone number should you be needed for any reason.
What’s next?
During the welcome at the beginning of worship you’ll be invited to fill out a guest card. Feel free to give us as much or as little information as you’d like and we’ll look forward to connecting with you in the coming days. Our pastor, Scott Dickison, will also be available to meet you following worship at the main exit to the sanctuary.
We also hope you’ll consider joining us for Sunday school. We have a number of classes for children, youth and adults of all ages. Classes officially begin at 9:45, but 10:00 a.m. is a safe bet. You can learn more about our Sunday school here, or just come to the Educational Building lobby off the main parking lot where you’ll find warm coffee and friendly faces who will help you find a class.
At First Baptist, we think membership is an important step toward authentic discipleship. Membership at First Baptist is an act of the individual and the community. It involves an individual making a public commitment of his or her life to Christ and the church. But it also involves our church family committing to each other’s Christian care and nurture. Those seeking membership are asked to come forward during the singing of the final hymn or fill out a membership card and return in the offering plate for further conversation.
Our church membership policy welcomes baptisms from outside the Baptist tradition. For our complete policies click here.
If you’d like to talk about membership or ways to plug in at First Baptist, email Scott or contact the church office to schedule an appointment.