If you would be willing to host a small group in your home for a meal on this evening, please contact Dee Bratcher at bratcher_md@mercer.edu. Each host can choose their meal plan and the number of guests they can accommodate. We hope to have several homes in different...
Fall Festival and Cake Walk

Fall Festival and Cake Walk

October 27 Fall Festival and Cake Walk Donations Needed but Please Avoid Peanuts Items Needed: Cupcakes, cookies, cake pops, and other yummy treats
Beloved Community Symposium

Beloved Community Symposium

Mercer University’s 19th Annual Buildig the Bloved Community Symposium featuring keynote by Dr Christina Edmondson with special guest Dr. Woody Register
World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday

If you would like to contribute a bread for communion that represents your culture or family tradition, please contact Julie Long at julie@fbcxmacon.org.
QWednesday Night Adult Conversations in October

QWednesday Night Adult Conversations in October

Each week, we will watch and discuss one film, 12-20 minutes each, that tell the story of Macon’s racial history. “Refounding Macon” is presented by Mercer’s Beloved Community Initiative with And So We Go Productions, made possible with the...
Get the Scoop

Get the Scoop

Missions groups, Sunday School classes, and other ministry groups are invited to set up a spot to share information about your group and how others can get involved. Let Julie Long know if you can represent your group OR if you can bring a churn of homemade ice cream...
Women’s Book Club

Women’s Book Club

Sunday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. The book we are discussing is Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. Bring a Schack to share!
Wednesday Night Adult Conversations

Wednesday Night Adult Conversations

Adults will begin with announcements and prayer for congregational needs before beginning Adult Conversations around the Fellowship Hall tables at 6:30. In September, Julie Long will lead a discussion of the book When Church Stops Working by Andrew Root and Blair...

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