In This Moment, With These People
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In This Moment,
With These People
In This Moment, With These People
Last month, we began our Committee meeting by recognizing what our congregation accomplished on the facilities master planning front in 2024.
In this Moment, With These People
Most of us don’t use the word “exciting” in the same sentence as the word “meeting” very often, but our next church conference meeting on Wednesday, January 29, at 6 p.m., will have a full agenda of exciting things! As we begin a new year, our congregation will be moving forward with several initiatives that we’ve been discussing for quite some time.
In This Moment, With These People
Advent begins a new church year in our worshipping life together, as we begin anew with reading the stories of Jesus and God’s redemption for the world in holy scripture. But organizationally, January 1 starts our new church year as our lay leaders transition in and...
In this Moment, With These People
Last Sunday’s Hanging of the Greens service was a fun and meaningful way to begin our Advent season together. Kids and youth sang and played music, from the festive sing-a-long with the preschool choir’s “Little Gray Donkey” to the beautiful renditions of more...
In this Moment, With These People
In the early 1920s, Martha Berry, founder of Berry College in Rome, attended a fundraising dinner in New York City. There she met Henry Ford, and she appealed to him to financially support the work of her small, country school back in Georgia. Ford dug around in his pocket, pulled out a coin, and handed it to Berry: “Here’s a dime. See what you can do with that.”
In This Moment, With These People
Last Sunday in worship, we observed one of the rituals that makes Baptists who we are- believer’s baptism by immersion. Next Sunday, October 27, we will practice another – church conference. One might not think of a meeting as being a key distinctive for a church or any other organization. But the way we meet is central to our identity as Baptists and as FirstBaptist Church of Christ.
In This Moment, With These People
This Sunday, October 13, our congregation celebrates with two of our young people, Stella Johansen and Harper Brown, as they follow Jesus calling them into the waters of baptism. Each time that I witness a baptism, I am reminded of my own. I was eight years old when I decided I wanted to make my profession of faith public. My mother suggested that I go talk to the pastor before walking the aisle of my home church, to which I replied, “I don’t need to talk to the preacher.
In This Moment, With These People
This past weekend, forty women traveled to St. Simons Island for our church’s annual women’s retreat. The theme was “Storytelling: Weaving a Tapestry of our Belonging,” and each of our retreat sessions included several participants telling a five-minute story around a particular topic. Some of them were funny; some were poignant; all of the stories gave the other attendees a glimpse into the storyteller’s life and faith in a way that deepened our relationships with each other. As often happens in the telling of stories, each listener found some point of connection to her own experience, something that made her say, “Yes! Me, too.”
In This Moment, With These People
What an amazing time to be a part of First Baptist Church of Christ at Macon! Our almost 200-year-old church is both steeped in history and in touch with today’s issues. Here we are offered majestic worship, nurturing relationships, and opportunities to reach out to a world in need. Some of us have been a part of the congregation for generations and others have recently joined.
In This Moment, With These People
The pastoral installation service we shared last Sunday is lingering in my mind and in my heart.
In This Moment, With These People
In March of 2023, Erika Houser began her role as our Interim Director of Children’s Ministries, having served as a regular children’s Sunday School teacher before that for most of her college years.
In This Moment, With These People
“Now that we have a pastor, what are we going to do about our other staff needs?” I’ve heard some version of this question asked many times over the past several weeks, as I imagine many of you have!
In This Moment, With These People
In This Moment, With These People August 4, 2024 Written by Julie Long, Pastor On the morning of July 1, I began my month away with a walk in the woods at the Wesleyan College arboretum. I often go to this spot (a lesser-known Macon treasure) for an early morning...
Personnel Committee Announces July Leadership Plan
On Sunday, June 23, our congregation voted to call Julie Long as our next pastor, beginning August 1, 2024. Julie will conclude her tenure as our Interim Director of Staff and Congregational Life on June 30 and will take the month of July away before beginning as...
Rev. Julie Whidden Long elected as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Christ
The First Baptist Church of Christ today elected its first woman pastor in the church’s almost 200-year history, calling Rev. Julie Whidden Long as Pastor of the church, which is located at the top of Poplar Street in downtown Macon. Rev. Long has most recently been...
Candidate for Pastor Recommended by Pastor Search Committee
To: The Congregation of First Baptist Church of Christ, Macon, Georgia From: The Pastor Search Committee Subject: Recommendation to call Julie Whidden Long as our next pastor With great pleasure and much excitement, the Pastor Search Committee unanimously recommends...
Stable and Adequate
written by David McCollum, Church Treasurer Financial support for the ministries and programs of FBCX through the first quarter of 2024 was virtually breakeven with the costs of those activities. Total gifts through three months totaled $142,561.89 while expenditures...
Update from Pastor Search Committee
The Pastor Search Committee, after reviewing and discussing the comments we received last fall in listening sessions and then the notes from the Congregational Conversations in February and March, have prepared a profile of our church and a profile of the...
Donkey Fetchers
Written by Julie Long, Interim Director of Staff and Congregational Life In an article published in the Christian Century entitled “Donkey Fetchers,” Tom Long offers readers a new take on the Palm Sunday story. In Mark 11, just as Jesus was about to descend the Mount...
Reflections On Baptist Women in Ministry
written by Rev. Kathy Manis Findley Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. Joel 2:12 (NRSVUE) . I have been thinking about my ordination, since its anniversary draws near, March 29. I am a...